Posted on August 23, 2024

Gender equality concerns not only women and girls but also men and boys and is therefore human rights an issue. It is about making it possible to work, play and live together as one people regardless their gender. This is because attaining gender equality means a change in the norms in the society, the policies and the attitudes that have always privileged the one gender over the others especially in the political, educational, employment and health systems.

Gender equality is another essential aspect that cannot be overemphasized on because there is still prejudice on the basis of gender around the world.

The equality of the sexes is important for many reasons. First of all, it is a basic civil liberty. To some extent, all the people of the world regardless of their gender should have the right to achieve their dreams and go through life without such a barrier as gender. This is not just about equity, but it is also about the respect, which every single being should be accorded in the society.

Second of all, gender equality enhances economic development. Research has it that when women are empowered, and employed at the same rate as men, economies expand. Equal education for males and females for instance brings about a well-educated labour force with a variety of skills hence catalysing productivity and economic development. Also, the increase of women’s employment share will increase the GDP of the country when women are employed in equal proportion as men.

Thirdly, equal rights in relation to women and men should be guaranteed for the country’s sustainable development. The United Nations does this in its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where goal 5 aimed at the promotion of gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment. Despite this, gender equality is a cross cutting issue when it comes to addressing other SDGs like; zero poverty, quality education, healthy lives and wellbeing. That is why dealing with gender inequality societies targets the general problems such as poverty, hunger, and inequality.

The Perceived Threats to the Enhancement of Women’s Status

However much the world has changed in the last few decades, gender equity remains a dream for many societies today. Gender inequality persists through perpetration of female oppression, and sexism based on their ability to get recourse to education, health, and decent work. Gender-based violence is one of the most widespread violations of rights in the world, every third woman is subjected to it. This violence not only affects individuals, but also the bonding in society and the economy as well as the general economy.

The gender disparity at the workplace presents itself in form of unequal remunerations, chances, and also personal appellations, and scarce representation in the pinnacle decisions making body. It is already established that women bear the brunt of some specific injustices, the more so the women of color and women in low-income areas. The infamous ‘glass-ceilings’ are very much in existence and do not allow a majority of women to climb up the corporate ladder to the top. Also, ‘care work’, mostly performed by women, is rarely compensated, appreciated, or described as ‘work’ which perpetuates gender inequality.

Specifically, cultural and stereotyping also have a role to play on gender inequality since they work hand in hand. This is because in many societies the roles that conventional masculinity and femininity play in setting the pace and frame work of the potential of men and women. Such portrayals may begin at childhood: the fields or courses the girls and boys select in high school and the jobs they later get involved in.

Strategies for Achieving Gender Equality

As stated in this essay, attaining the goals of gender equality calls for a support system that will require the society, the families, the states, and global bodies. Education the weapon in this fight. If gender stereotypic education is eliminated and all children are educated regardless of their gender then societies will be eliminating factors that hinder the women or girl child from attaining their dreams.

And there is an important role of legal arrangements too. State governments must have and implement legislation that may be advantageous to women and the female gender. This is Laws against Gender Violence, Discrimination at the Workplace, and Discrimination in the Remuneration. Furthermore, measures like parenthood and quarry leave, and affordable childcare arrangements, may be used to address unpaid care work constraints that affect most ladies.

Awareness creation and neutralizing social expectations must be done as well. Helping people change their mentality and learn new behaviors in the context of/media representation, public campaigns, and community programs may improve gender equality. Male and boys have to be involved into these exercises as well, as gender equality will affect them, too.


This document reveals that gender equality is not only a normative issue but also an enabling condition for a development, sustainable, prosperous and fair society. Problems persist but developments in the past years prove that change can be achieved. When people of different gender unite hand in hand; they can transform the world in such a way that everybody will be able to enjoy life, freedom, as well as other opportunities.

Categories: Law

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