Posted on August 16, 2024
Fondly, it marks 78 years of the India’s freedom on 15 th of August in 2024, a time to look back, have pride, and look forward. India has been a transitioning country from a newly becoming liberated territory in the 70s to an emerging superpower with significant progress in a number of domains in contemporary years. It is high time that we appreciate the fact that the journey has been a tough one but this should not be a reason to hinder development since the future looks very promising.
About one’s challenge and development in life
India’s story since its attaining freedom in the year 1947 is one of enormous and meteoric rise. The country came to a group when it finally freed itself from colonial masters and begun to develop itself. The basic processes in the early years can be attributed to the attempt of reconstructing the economy, as well as putting up the foundations of a democratic state, and assimilating a rather heterogeneous society. Since 1950, after the adoption of Constitution the foundation of the democratic and secular republic was built to protect the rights and freedoms of the citizens.
After years, and especially over the next few decades, the structure of the economic system in India gradually changed from an agricultural-based system to an industrial system. In the 1960s The Green Revolution which changed the face of India by making it a food secure country and eradicating hunger in the country. This was followed by the White Revolution, which transform the India’s picture and made it the largest producer of milk in the world.
The chapters in this volume individually and collectively have alternately elucidated and discussed the implications and effects of economic liberalization and globalization.
The profile of the growth and development of India changes with the onset of the 1990s through liberalization of economy. The liberalization of 1991 lead by young for then Finance Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh liberalized the Indian economy ushering it into the global market place. This transformation of a centrally planned economy to a more liberalized market economy brought in a lot of activity in the form of start-up, innovative activities and global investment. The Information Technology sector specifically observed a phenomenon growth and put India at the forefront of technology and services.
Over the proceeding decades more, India has faced its economic structure diversification and incredibly fast economic growth. A young, dynamic and tech-savvy generation established technology companies, start-ups and adopted a progressive way of life. IT evolution like Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune as the major Information Technology hubs has clearly provided a note of the country’s growing importance in the world technology map.
Social and Human Development
Just as economic development had proceeded, there were improvements in social and human development. It was during the period that the government release several polices to enhance provision of education, health and other social services. Some of the programs that have brought a sea change to the lives of millions of Indian are the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education for All) the National Rural Health Mission. More in the recent years with the advancement of the digital and physical connective tissue the advancement in these areas has stepped up and has brought education and health care facilities to the peripheral of this country.
Gender equality too has seen some progress in India but a long way still has to be travelled. The increasing prominence of women in political and corporate spheres are part of the ways in which the social relations in India are gradually transforming. Some of the measures which passed and some are in progress to improve the position of women are- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Safe city, He for She, Swacch Bharat Abhiyan and Woman Decoded.
The Issues and the Prospects
Nevertheless, there are critical issues central to India. Hunger, wars, illnesses, population growth, shelter problems, human rights abuse, poor quality education, unemployment, inadequate social services, and global warming remain barriers to sustainable development. The concerns of current Indian economy: Rapid urbanization has putting more pressure on infrastructures, whereas the agriculture sector is still facing problem like farmer suicide and lack of modern technique.
There are of course other issues, which confront India, such as climate change. India is among the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases and, therefore, has been energetically involved in global climate change negotiations. The government has announced its intends to support renewable energy and sustainable development, however, the action plans for these agendas will be critical in the future years.
Moms as a Model for the Future
As India completes 77 years of its independence, it is the right time let people plan for a better tomorrow which is accessible to all and gradual. The INDIA Vision Statement covers innovation, a digital society, and enabling a Just Society. Schemes and programs such as Make in India, Digital India and Skill India are creating the foundation of a more independent and effective nation.
Pros and cons lie on the road that is stretching to the horizon; it is not easy to meet a man who would not have plans for the future. Depending on its success, India’s management will have to build on its people assets, sustain social order and stability and ensure ‘inclusive growth’. Like many other countries around the world, it is about acknowledging what has happened in the past, cherishing what is happening in the present and embrace a better and prosperous future for the people of India.