Posted on June 21, 2024

ERYT is a practice that has, over the years, evolved to become a global event conducted annually on 21 st June under the International Yoga Day. This day observed at the United Nations most importantly poignant that one in the utility of yoga lies in the improvement of its mind, body, and spirit. While more and more people engage in the practice of yoga with over sixty million global followers, it is important to explore the history of this practice, its benefits, and the importance of World Yoga Day.

International Yoga Day is one of the most significant inventions of our time that has been widely accepted by people across the world.

The initiative to comeback the International Yoga Day was formulated by the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in his address to the United Nations General Assembly in the year 2014. The president stressed on the concept of yoga and its benefits towards physical, mental, moral and spiritual upliftment of an individual and the entire society and world in general. General Assembly in adopting the resolution received record support with 177 Member countries co-sponsoring the resolution which points to popularity of yoga all over the world. The first ever International Yoga Day was observed on June 21, 2015, and it has been increasing it scale and scope in terms of practice every year.

The Essence of Yoga

Yoga is a term that originates from the Sanskrit tome yuj, which translates to unite or integrate. It is a discipline that includes the physical exercises known as postures (asanas), the regulation of breath known as pranayama, meditation or Dhyana and Yama-ethical rules. The purpose of yoga is to achieve a well-coordinated synthesis of the physical, psychical and spiritual realm, to attain self-fulfillment.

Yoga is an age-old discipline that originally hails from the shores of India, specifically designed to liberate a person from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Yoga also becomes more complicated as years passes by, yet this versatile practice suits everyone and can be easily followed by anyone, including infants and children. Today it is performed in different kinds, from intensively physical and dynamic Ashtanga or Vinyasa and long and more slow and relaxation Hatha and Yin yoga.

Health Benefits of Yoga

As demonstrated below, yoga is associated with numerous diverse advantages that are well-documented. It inculcates in the aspects of health such as strength, flexibility and even improves one’s posture. It plays a critical role in the respiratory system, plays a role in regulating the circulatory system, and helps in weight reduction. People are increasingly adopting this practice because it can effectively reduce pain that has persisted for many years, manage inflammation, and enhance the immune system.

Yoga is mentally proven to help with cutting stress, anxiety, and has been known to ease depressive symptoms. It makes individuals think actively, increases attention span and promotes a healthy psychological state of well-being. In the case of yoga there are other benefits related to emotional health since the meditative aspects assist the practitioners to grow in areas of self awareness, which can be translated to emotional health and stability.

Personally, yoga as a process of philosophical practice opens the ways of spiritual enlightenment. It fosters personal growth as people learn to accept themselves, the feeling of warm embraced around the heart, and a love for the life given to all of us. To many, yoga is an exercise in self-transformation and Ott’s book offers ways to face life’s hurdles with surrender and patience.

Celebrating International Yoga Day

Yoga today celebrated with lots of events and activities all over the globe on the International Yoga Day. Polls, charity, bazaring, mass yoga session in iconic places, yoga summit, yoga festival, yogis, yoga lovers, donation, free classes, virtual classes, and workshops.

In India particularly and other parts of the world started the year with grand celebrations where thousands of participants practice different yoga asanas in one place. These events comprise demonstration of yoga exercises by famous Yoga Masters, giving out cultural programs, and informational forums on the AIDS: Benefits of Yoga. In other countries people practice yoga wherever they can, such as in the gym, in yoga studios, community centers and even parks, which offer free classes and events.

The theme of the International Yoga Day is set each year with an aim of Facilitating different perspectives regarding yoga and its contribution to health improvement across the world. The past years’ themes were “Yoga and World Harmony,” “Yoga for better Health,” and “Yoga for global climate change awareness,” where yoga is presented also as a tool for addressing existing problems.

Integration of Yoga in Our Everyday Lives

Hence, the International Yoga Day is such a day or event or occasion that is committed to the practice of Yoga, although, Yoga is a lifetime process of practice. Yoga to be practiced and its benefits to be reaped does not necessarily need a lot of time and efforts. Just walking around, standing tall, simple stretching, and taking deep breaths as well as closing our eyes and saying a prayer or two will do us a whole lot of good.

In this strategy, just as a beginner some of the primary poses can be incorporated into one’s practice, and the number of poses in a practice session can be gradually increased. Practical steps in sharping the skills might include registering for a local class or watching online tutorials. This is where constancy and flexibility come into play: it is all about practicing with naturalness and learning from mistakes.


It only takes a simple reflection on the concept of International Yoga Day to realize that yoga itself is a timeless teaching that transcends cultural divides. Today, while enjoying this holiday, let’s be mindful of the benefits of practicing yoga not only as an effective sport or form of physical fitness, but as a lifestyle. It may be of tremendous benefit for anyone, especially when one is starting their practice as well as those who are getting back into practicing yoga for some time. Thus, unroll your mat, close your eyes and embrace the wonderful chance to celebrate yoga along with other people all over the world.

Categories: Health

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