Posted on September 4, 2024

Culture and science are two influential forces on the society that help people to form their outlooks and perceptions. Despite the fact that culture might be defined as arts, traditions, and social norms while science is considered as empirical knowledge and advanced technologies they are closely connected. This paper outlines how the concepts of culture and science work in synergy to support and advance each other to define the human existence.

The presentation of culture in science is usually done as a foundation of science.

In fact, the modern concept of science comes from culture practices from all over the word. Not only our methods of how questions and how we undertake our research projects, but the nature of the questions themselves are determined by cultural factors. It would also be pertinent to note that in the past numerous scientific revolutions were associated with particular cultures. For instance, the renaissance – the phase of revival of art and learning in Europe – is also the phase which gave birth to the modern science. In addition, the European culture focused on humanism critical thinking and rediscovery of classical knowledge that was pregnant with the potentiality for science.

However science is one of the creation of society. In other cases, the focus of the research may be influenced by such factors as the culture’s value system, religion, and morality. As for the specific examples of institutions, in societies that respect the environment for example, there is usually a lot of emphasis put on topics such as environmental science or sustainability technologies. On the other hand, if the emphasis is placed on the economic development, the research may shift toward industrial and technological spheres. The interplay demonstrated above illustrates that culture guides the course of scientific processes.

Science Influencing Culture

In a way culture defines science and in equal measures science acts as a determinant of culture. Technological research and development in all sciences has capabilities of changing societies transferring ways in which people live, their working approaches and relations with their environments. Scientific advancements of the Industrial Revolution are the driving force which affected not only the economy but also the society bringing such transformations as urbanization, changes in the approach to the labor, and modification of the cultural values.

Present day globalization which is closely associated with computer science and information technologies has made information availability at an ultimate level. For example social media has completely altered how people interact or express their affection, how they interact with system of relationships and social problems. The memes, viral trends, and activism, politics, and social justice movements that define today’s culture are products of science and technology.

In addition, as to the fourth criterion, science can influence paradigms in a culture. One of them includes the theory of evolution which revolutionized the perception of how man came into existence through contributing theories which were against the religious and cultural beliefs. In the same way, the social and medical progress has dramatically reversed the outlook on life, health and even death in the communities. The examples include vaccination, and organ transplantation and reproductive technologies which are most cultures despite resistance in the beginning.

Cultivation and Intellectual Growth of Human Society

It means not only the culture affects the science but also the science supports the culture. It is gained that cultural beliefs influence the identification of research areas; and research discoveries influence cultural beliefs. Such dynamics mean that there can be social transformations within the course of a few years, as the development of nuclear technology in the 20th century. It appears that the Cold War brought about focus to nuclear science within cultural framework, where such focus brought about profound cultural and geopolitical implications.

Likewise, environmental conservation, more so the topic of climate change, is a scientific as well as a cultural issue of the twenty-first century. Thus, cultural trends promoting activity in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development step into the foreground as scientific research points to the increasing significance of these problems. Thus, it defines the policies, behavior of consumers, even the choice of topics for scientific research, and forms a cycle of the mutual influence of culture and science.


It is evident from the foregoing discussions that the interconnectivity between culture and science goes to prove that human development is not a simple process. Culture frames the process of doing science and particular scientific endeavors by influencing styles of cognition in terms of topicality and priorities. Thus, while science moves cultures, changing their parameters and introducing new paradigms to these cultures’ immensely, the same cannot be said of sociology. Consequently, culture and science can be considered as two wheels of the car that drives the humanity with lasting progress, development and change throughout the unknown world. It is important to understand this relationship in order to be able to manage the complex processes of the twenty-first century culture which in terms of its influence will be based on science and knowledge.

Categories: Science

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